Sunday, November 2, 2008

my own live soap opera!

i used to think the girls next door were normal, but after piecing together what i know about them and what miss rabbit knows, they are not so. rather than normal, they are quite the drama queens.

this is how yesterday played out. i woke to the sound of hysterical crying and sobbing from the room next door. all this noise was so loud that i could hear it from out of my window. curious as to the cause of her outrageous histrionics, i began to listen. much of her sobbing i could not distinguish any words, but after an entire day of her shouting, sobbing, and skyping drama, and my eavesdropping, spying, and window-hearing i got the gist of her situation.

apparently her boyfriend had strayed and landed in the lap of another "woman". i was even lucky enough to catch a really juicy conversation of her shouting at her ex boyfriend through the computer. i strained my ears to listen to a conversation peppered with "i love you", "i miss you", "don't go to her", "i'll take you back", "i miss you so much", "i love you so much", and "don't leave me". it was rather sad, but after listening to her for seven straight and unending hours, i was pretty unsympathetic.

instead of begging, she should have bucked up, had a strong backbone, and left her boyfriend with her pride and feminine power sitll intact.

finally at nine o clock at night, her sobbing ceased. and i slept peacefully.

1 comment:

Artfully Yours said...

Bob, you are a crack-up!