Friday, November 21, 2008

the black and white affair

last night was a bizarre night. after jeeper the creeper, came the slurring mexicanos who shouted at us and chased us. or at least i thought they were chasing us. we never looked back. because we were getting the hell out of there.

anyways, since we figured this was quite the exciting and adventuresome night, we decided to make an appearance at the black and white affair.

we dressed up in our itty bitty black dresses, high heels, and jewels, and walked all the way down to the party in the dark. dressed like classy hookers.

as we walked by people, well males, we garnered quite the amount of attention. one such was a guy talking on his phone and smoking. as we started walking his way miss rabbit overheard him saying to his phone friend

"dude three hot girls are walking by me and their barely dressed."

others just looked at us and wanted to know where we were going. because they wanted to come.

but i was the only one who actually got harassed. well not harassed, just approached.

so we walked into the party, it was not as dark as we wanted it to be and it was really quite small. and stood there for a while, soaking in the scene.

ten minutes later, i started noticing a guy checking me out. i ignored him and looked elsewhere. right into jeeper the creepers eyes. i shrieked and clasped misses rabbit and papaya and drug them to a dark corner. we could not, and i repeat could not, see or talk to that person again.

five minutes later i was approached. by the guy checking me out.

he came up to me and my gaydar screeched immediately. he walked up and started touching himself most inappropriately and got awfully close to my face. miss rabbit thought he was going to kiss me. ugh. i need a shower. again.

anyways he introduced himself in a slimy gay way, and i replied. and after saying some other stuff he said

"well i'm gonna go do something real fast, but after i get back we're gonna dance, okay?"

i assented. the second he stepped over the door, i turned to the girls and said

"we are leaving now!"

and thankfully we escaped. unscathed. and i didn't have to dance with the bizarre gay/not gay man who gave me the heebie jeebies.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

jeeper the creeper


so tonight me, miss rabbit, and miss papaya people watched in the cafeteria room. people watching entails sitting, rather lounging, in a booth and watching who comes and who goes.

there where many who came and many others who went, but there was one who came. and went. seven times. back and forth. over and over.

we called him jeeper the creeper. the first time he walked by he was wearing dumpy grey sweatpants, and a dark shirt with a creepy face stating the phrase "disturbed". the shirt said it all. he walked by and looked at us. after moments he walked back.

he walked by again, and walked back.

the third time he wore a zip up hoodie over his "disturbed shirt". he walked by, and since we all were getting fed up with his pacing, miss rabbit threw out a "hey" as he passed by. he "hey'd back".

the fourth time he stripped off his hoodie and replaced it with a backpack. he walked by, and miss papaya threw out a "hey there, how's it going" with a cocked gun hand. he "hey there, how's it going" back with a cocked gun hand, but with a click sound.

we were getting seriously creeped out by this person. who seemed like he was stalking us and checking us out. in a really suspicious way.

the fifth time he had no backpack, no hoodie, and instead had a skateboard. he looked at us, and we ignored him.

the sixth time he had a backpack and a longboard.

the seventh time he had no backpack, no longboard, but had acquired a bright white hat. fed up, miss papaya, the ever bold one, yelled out at him.

"hey you sir. stop right there. pause sir. put your arm down. why are you pacing. you have paced atleast seven times back and forth. what is with the pacing?"

jeeper replied " oh, well. well, uh. uh. i'm looking for something. i think i've lost something."

mp " well, what is it? we can help you find it."

j "its a paper. just a paper."

mp "well what kind of paper. come on, we can help you find it and then you can stop pacing."

j "well, its for, uh, my usem class thing. for my ctr thing."

mp "you know what, i'm sensing that there is no paper involved in this."

j "well. your right."

mp "so why are you really pacing?"

j "well who wouldn't want a few ladies checking him out each time?"

we were shocked this person thought this. we were officially creeped out. we held in our laughter as miss papaya muffled a giggle and took out her phone and said

"well i'm gonna call my wife now."

this was supposed to signal to jeeper that this distasteful conversation was way over and he needed to leave. instead he continued to lean against the booth jutting his crotch in our direction. actually afterward, miss rabbit said it was grossly close to my face. oh god, i need a shower.

meanwhile, miss rabbit took out her phone and said

"i think it's time to get our licorice."

meanwhile, i took out my phone and said

"yes i think its time."

meanwhile, jeeper was not moving an inch. not an inch. his eyes continued to sleazily slide over our forms and finally all three of us rose, and i looked up at his face and briskly said

"well you have a good night."

and he replied with a

"yeah, you too."

as we started to quickly escape he shouted at us

"hey, are you guys gonna be at the black and white affair?"

i said "perhaps." and tossed my hair over my shoulder.

afterwards we ran to the dorm room and started laughing hysterically. and then we screamed to eachother about how violated we felt! we were not checking out that creep! he was checking out us, and most overtly too. even now i shudder in disgust as i reminisce.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

please no more...

yesterday i had my archaeology class, and of course as usual it was very interesting. except one thing bothered me.

the theme of the day was how neanderthals were portrayed in magazines and art, such as in the national geographic. my professor had one such picture on the power point screen.

as he started to describe the picture and distinguished to us what was fact and what was fiction, i started drifting off.

until i heard him utter the word "boobies." no. i thought. he did not just say that. moments later, as i was listening intently, i heard him again say "boobies." i gleaned from what he was saying that he was referring to the fact that some people are offended when an artwork portrays a woman displaying her breasts openly.

but instead of saying breasts, or at least boobs, this professor man -aged mid forties- was saying "boobies." i was shocked. and then giggled for the rest of the class as his lecture was peppered with the occasional "boobies."

miss rabbit gets kinky

another boring and bland college night. the middle of the week. nothing exciting was going on. so me and miss rabbit decided to divert ourselves and make a late night trip to... barnes and noble. again.

did i ever say that me and miss rabbits favorite word is kinky? we really started using it on halloween when she left a picture of a naked mans butt with a drawn jack o lantern face on it, taped on the door for me to be startled with on my way back from class. that was fun. now its taped on the wall next to my bed. the perfect goodnight image. ahh. sweet dreams.

anyways, me and miss rabbit are twins when it comes to kinkiness.

so we decided to browse the kinky aisle in barnies for thrills. many people, surprisingly were roaming and sitting in the plush sofas throughout the store. so a covert perusal of the kinky aisle was impossible. we decided to pursue anyways. as we walked through the aisle we were brought to a stop by "the books." diy lap dance was a book i picked up to examine. miss rabbit on the other hand picked up "the cards." the dirty cosmopolitan cards. as i was receiving a quite interesting education on lap dances, i heard an explosion to my left. bam! miss rabbit's dirty cards slipped out of her grasp and scattered across the floor. all over the floor.

we were shocked into immobility for moments, until we jumped to action. we must have scooped up all those cards in record time. but of course, the sofa seaters witnessed our mortification. much to our chagrin.

suffice it to say, we spent the rest of our visit sitting in a different and safe aisle reading post secret books.

mother k gets friskay

barnes and noble.
my home away from home.
so mother k decided to come over last last thursday to pick me up and take me home, and she also decided it was time for me to visit my other home. i hadn't been to barnies for some time so i was stoked. big time.
so let's set the scene.
we walked in, the smell of fresh books and coffee welcoming us with open arms, and mother k exclaiming i love holiday books! all around us stacks of holiday themed books and gifts beckoned to us.
we saunter by a table with towers of cylindrical christmas gifts, and she again exclaims i love all these christmas things!
as she caresses a cylindrical christmas gift labeled "playful sex."
mother k dear, not in public.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

french photos no 2

here are some other french photos that i love. love the cigarette. gives it a certain ooh la la factor.

movie quote no 2

"my tie is in the bathroom and i can't go in because uncle frank
is taking a shower. he says that if i walked in there and saw him
naked, i'd grow up never feeling like a real man.

whatever that means."

-home alone II

my own live soap opera!

i used to think the girls next door were normal, but after piecing together what i know about them and what miss rabbit knows, they are not so. rather than normal, they are quite the drama queens.

this is how yesterday played out. i woke to the sound of hysterical crying and sobbing from the room next door. all this noise was so loud that i could hear it from out of my window. curious as to the cause of her outrageous histrionics, i began to listen. much of her sobbing i could not distinguish any words, but after an entire day of her shouting, sobbing, and skyping drama, and my eavesdropping, spying, and window-hearing i got the gist of her situation.

apparently her boyfriend had strayed and landed in the lap of another "woman". i was even lucky enough to catch a really juicy conversation of her shouting at her ex boyfriend through the computer. i strained my ears to listen to a conversation peppered with "i love you", "i miss you", "don't go to her", "i'll take you back", "i miss you so much", "i love you so much", and "don't leave me". it was rather sad, but after listening to her for seven straight and unending hours, i was pretty unsympathetic.

instead of begging, she should have bucked up, had a strong backbone, and left her boyfriend with her pride and feminine power sitll intact.

finally at nine o clock at night, her sobbing ceased. and i slept peacefully.


halloween was interesting, but unfortunately not as fun as i wanted it to be. i didn't even get any candy. wah.

so the day began with me and miss rabbit doing our makeup and hair. getting ready for halloween was similar to getting ready for a high school dance. stressful and nothing seemed to be working out the way we envisioned. miss rabbit's hair was giving her grief and my peacock feathers were not finding their perfect position in my head band and i had accidently burned my left arm with the triple barrel curling iron. finally though, we found the perfect look for us both. everything had fell into the right places. except the fact that it was seven o clock and the boys were not showing up.

they did not show up until an hour and a half later. so from eight o clock in the morning to seven o clock at night me and miss rabbit were so excited to go out. from seven o clock on, we weren't so. sitting around for long hours doing nothing but waiting patiently, was quite the killjoy. atleast we looked hot.

our costumes were 1920s flapper girls. and our look was unique because nothing was halloween store-bought except for the cigarette holders and long elbow-length black gloves. so, no one could pull off our one-of-a-kind look.

finally the boys showed up and we walked downtown in our high heels. at least i did. and they were killer. and my calves got such a killer work out. it was torture. afterword i discovered two perfectly bubble shaped blisters on my third toes.

mid walk, i got a surprise phone call. from sir knaul, a guy i had met about a month ago and had sort of lost contact with. he wanted to know if i could hang out with him when i got to the plaza because he wanted me to meet his little brother.

so we arrived at the plaza and i found sir knaul and his group, sitting on the back of his white truck. unfortunately sir knaul couldn't walk because his leg was broken but i met his sister, brother, and his friend. none of which i can remember their names, but i do remember that his little brother looked like a male version of a girl who i went to school with and also looked like a high schooler. sir knaul, i am not a cradle robber! ugh. after chatting for a little bit i bid them adieu and we resumed our walking about.

finally, we all got bored and walked back to the dorms. miss rabbit took off, and i made a cup of hot jasmine tea, and watched some internet tv.

why is it?

why is it that whenever one walks in the mall, they are either harassed by people trying to sell things, or they are approached by mall hooligans?

by mall hooligans, i mean the guys who are there to walk around and "hey how's it going" you up.

this always seems to happen at the mall. to girls. it is so odd.

whenever it happens to me, i'm usually walking with miss rabbit and when she doesn't speak up i do, and i reply "it's going good, how about you?" a bit forcefully. that usually scares them off.

i have found that it is sort of fun to do that.

a windy day in the city

thursday me and miss rabbit decided to take a jaunt downtown to see what the stores had to offer. that, and i needed to find mother k a birthday gift. her birthday is on election day. yikes.

walking downtown is always shady business. there are the people in black smoking who knows what around the plaza tree, there is the homeless man parked on a bench with his dog holding out a cup saying "trick or treat" and when that doesn't work "you are such beautiful ladies!", and there is the occasional drunken man foisting pamphlets on unsuspecting patrons. yes, shady business indeed, and it's even only daytime.

so running into the entire gamut of shady peoples, our day in the city was quite interesting. miss rabbit recognized she had a hankering for a candy apple and i found some perfect gifts and an even more perfect card for mother k's day.

on the way home, it turned into quite a windy day in the city. rather a day full of hurricane force winds.

walking back under an ominous grey sky we had no idea what nature had in store for us. all of a sudden light airy winds turned into powerful 100 mph gusts. leaves were whipped up into cyclones and thrown at our faces and unprotected arms with violent strength. we struggled against the headwind pushing our frail bodies back with no remorse. pine needles were blown into the sky and torpedoed down with precise direction at our targeted faces. our long hair was vertical and flailing in the mid afternoon bluster, and the only thing saving our vulnerable eyes were our sunglasses.

finally we arrived home, safe and intact. with stomachs that were hurt and cramping from hysterical laughter.

and that was our windy day in the city.