Friday, December 5, 2008


one of the few times we have gone down to the lounge to watch tv (gossip girl and the office) me and miss rabbit always encounter the handstands boy.

so we would be cozy on the stiff and unyielding sofa watching one of our favorite shows--and we have been lucky enough to be there alone; without any of the irritating and loud dorm shmoozers--when the perpetual couch potato walked in and plopped himself full length upon a sofa.

he said hey, we said hey.

moments later when our attention was rapt upon the television, handstands boy got up and went to the empty lounge area to the left of the square of couches. he then proceeded to do handstand after handstand. the full vertical, head upside down, balancing on hands act. both times me and miss rabbit have been in the lounge, he's employed this curious behavior.

we came up with two viable theories. he is either trying to impress us with his mad acrobatic skills or he is exercising the blood flow to his brain.

we were and still are quite perplexed.

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